June 5 – Garden Tip

Colonial Nursery, NJ Nursery and Garden Center

Perennial Collection Tags

Have you been down to the nursery this spring and noticed our new Perennial Collection Tags? They have been developed with over 25 years of experience in Central New Jersey and reflect our experiences with these plants in local gardens.

You can use these tags to select plants for certain areas of your garden. They indicate the best area for sun or shade, wet or dry areas, height and whether they are deer resistant. The best part? It includes a photo of what the plant will look like in full bloom! We strive to make your shopping experience as easy as possible!

Let us know what you think the next time you are down at the nursery. We would love to hear from you!

Geranium Rozanne

For the June Tuesday Tips, we will be highlighting one perennial each week and giving you suggestions of where you can plant it.

Extremely long blooming – even through the heat of August the Geranium Rozanne has mounded, slightly marbled foliage turns attractively red in fall. It’s extremely heat tolerant and deer resistant! Geranium Rozanne is delightful where it can spill over ledges, large boulders or scramble up over pink daylilies.

Planting Tips:

  • Sun-Shade: Full Sun to Half Sun/ Half Shade
  • Bloom Time: Early Summer to Fall
  • Height: Medium 20″/Plant 24″ apart

Want to learn more about perennials?

We are offering two perennial classes on Saturday, June 23rd. Perennials in the Sun is from 9:30-10:30 and Perennials in the Shade is from 11:00-12:00.Learn how to choose the best plants for your areas that are full to partial shade/full to partial sun. Learn the best way to place them in your garden for maximum impact including height and space requirements. Also learn how to plant your perennial bed so that there will be something flowering at all times during the season. We will also give you tips on deer resistance. Each student will be able to take home one perennial plant equaling $10 or less to add to your garden! $10 per student Stop by the nursery or call 732.530.3838 to sign-up!